So as some of you may know me and the Wienerin went to Munich at the weekend. It was particularly nice as we haven't seen us for such a long time and keep missing one each other when we return to the nest. Munich is probably a good half way point for us although It definitely took Ruth a bit longer to get back than it took me. Maybe I will also go to Salzburg at some point.
I shared a lift there with a saxophonist, called Helen. This was much cheaper than paying for a delayed journey with overpriced Deutsche Bahn, especially when I can do that when I'm back home. We got on well, although I doubt that we will be staying in touch after I possibly made her late for work because her Sat-nav chose the wrong street. I just put in Munich and Bahnhofstrasse, which is what I was told to do. Why get satnav when it doesn't even work.
It was in the middle of Marienplatz, which is where all the tourists go and the Americans clap at the fancy clock which moves a lot every hour. Munich is a very rich city, although the outskirts look very eastern-bloc. It is also very schicki-micki and the people blatently look down on other places in Germany as they are richer. As we all know, money is not everything, especially when you speak a dialect no one can understand.
There was a lovely door.
Then we were reunited- east and west (although now I'm not sure who is east and who is west, but we had a beer each in the Hofbräuhaus to celebrate.)
There was no doubt what we would be eating, as everywhere was selling asparagus. I have never seen so much Spargel ever. The stapel diet of the Free State of Bavaria?
Although I like to keep it on the down-low a little bit, I also like spring just as much as other people. It is by far my favourite time of year. Afterall, it is the reason they have the festival which brought us there- Frühlingsfest!
After this photo there will be no more spring photos in this post, we are all getting our quota from our favourite Wienerin.
Here is a selection of beers available in Munich. I didn't have them all or even try as I am a very responsible person.
I did however try half a Lion-brew. The service here was awful so they didn't get a tip.

The Wienerin took lots of photos (of course) including this one of the (j)aptly named "Man spitting on a baby"
He who smelled it dealt it:
I managed to see 2 minutes of the royal wedding on my way to meet Ruth but then saw plenty of it in the headlines the next day.
This church is really near the University which made me think of Gewschister Scholl, who you can read about here.
After meeting everyone else we got dressed up (girls in dirndls and boys in Lederhosen, although I didn't have any as they are so expensive,) and went out to the fest.
In side the tent things were more rowdy (fun) and people were already dancing on the benches. It was too early for us to be doing this at that point so we sat down.
To keep hunger locked up so we could enjoy Frühlingsfest we had Bretzels. Also, I just wanted one because they were massive.
I don't know if I have ever eaten anything than my face before (except pizza obviously.) There are some photos of me trying to eat it but I look stupid so I haven't posted them. Instead look at this:

We were in the Augustiner tent, which is a very prestigous beer (claimed by Bavarians to be the best in the world, of course.)
Because of this we decided to have one. We then also danced on the benches- maybe too much, which is probably the reason Ruth doesn't want to wear those shoes ever again, neither do I. All in all though it was a lovely day and an excellent trip. Prost!

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