(To make it look like Bond has committed suicide in Hamburg- clever ne!) It obviously all ends up with the actor playing the German with the increadibly strong German accent trying to kill Bond and obviously being outwitted and killed himself. This line could be the reason I've wanted to go to Stuttgart for a long time, although I'm not sure why, as it is literally only mentioned once.
Stuttgart is very close to Tübingen but annoyingly not very well connected by trains, meaning it takes ages and costs loads to get there, especially as it is not included in our student semester ticket which practically would get me to Switzerland (Yes I will.) Because of that there is no good way to get there other than the cheapest which means going somewhere on my semester ticket and then taking the S-Bahn into the city centre. It takes a very long time though, so I don't think I will be going there that often. Having said that, it seems nice.
I met Yohei and we went to Frühlingsfest. It wasn't as epic as in Munich, partially because it isn't as big, we are both poor, and because Yohei overslept meaning we got there when it was too busy to enter the tents for hilarious europop and dancing.
We did however have a beer:
Then we went for a döner and home. (It all seems like it took like an hour in total, but in reality we were there much longer...)
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