So, I made it back to Japan with less problems than I left. No snow, no rain and all the trains were running normally (i.e. painfully slowly on the airport Narita Express.) I obviously didn't sleep on the plane due to the babies crying, screaming, running around and their parents not even trying to stop them.
To combat the non-sleepy boredom, I watched 2 films (Eat Pray Love and The Social Network) but with the German audio track to get some practise. Then I watched a very Japanese TV programme about... food. It was called "Two Gourmet Ladies
Travel Japan" but I think a more descriptive title would have been "Two Old Radies go to countryside, smell lots of different fish and say it all tastes delicious." Then the radio times wouldn't need to describe it at all. I couldn't understand every word, but most of it was just delicious (oishiiiiiiiii) with their mouths full of food.
At customs, the woman was interested by the chocolate I had brought back for friends over here, but when I said it was for myself, she gave me a knowing look as if to say "Yes, I'm also addicted desu." There were no further issues. Banzai.
As it is my spring holiday I have made a little map to show the places I intend to visit (the main places, there will be other stops inbetween.)

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