First of all we went to this temple in order to wait for the countdown. We didn't manage to get any closer because of the mass of people in front of us. This didn't stop more people trying to get in though and we were thoroughly squashed. Eventually the clock hit twelve and we counted down and lots of people let balloons go (tsk tsk environmental hazard and they weren't even colourful.)
They also lit up Tokyo tower with the date to save anyone asking what year it was.
After that we went to an Izakaya for 4 hours of drinking and eating and fun. Then the next day I was up bright and early. I say the next day, but really I mean the next next day. We were meeting to go to a temple and shrine in the good old fashioned tradition for the first few days after the new year. Yohei and me were the only ones not to sleep in/ be late so we bought beer to drink as we wandered our way towards the shrine. I was a little unsure about going into sacred ground with a can of Asahi in my hand but he assured me it was fine, they even sell it at the top. I suppose it is like having mulled wine at a church concert at Christmas.
There were lots of stairs and lots of people at the top. I had to put the beer in my pocket to pray after queueing for a while. No one batted an eyelid. Or they did but I'm so used to being stared at here that I'm oblivious (Apart from when a boy on a bike today literally screeched to a halt in front of me to have a good stare and then carry on his way.)
Despite the new year crowds, it was very pretty and certainly quite Nihon-poi:
In the pond there were lots of koi all waiting to be fed but i didn't have anything to feed them.
After that, we went to a temple which turned out to be the same one from Friday but this time I managed to get right into it. I prayed with a 5 yen coin but noticed someone had put in 10000 yen for one wish. I hope he doesn't get his wishes granted more quickly just for flashing the cash.
We had some soba noodles (with mystery "mountain vegetables" which were very nice) and then went to an imperial garden near Tokyo bay yet still central.
They even had some winter sakura which was very nice. I think this photo is actually Ume (plum) blossom rather than cherry.
The next stop on our routemarch was Ginza, one of the most expensive areas in the world if you wish to rent a building for your shop. It was very posh but with the sales some of the shops looked a bit like primark x 10000 yen.

Finally we went to Nihon-bashi/Nihombashi (this is the same bashi from Hitotsubashi- my university. It means bridge.) This was the first bridge in Tokyo (Edo at the time) and was replaced in the 18th century by a very European looking bridge. In the true Japanese style, old architecture is very much respected. A motorway bridge has been built right above it, so low down that the decorative streetlamps poke through to the motorway bridge, which somehow didn't encourage them to build it a foot higher.

Who is copying who's look?
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