Today is the Emperor's birthday, which means I get the day off to spend however I choose (revising- yesss!) I also decided to go and check out a super cheap supermarket (shorterned in Japanese to Super.) When I got there I found that most Japanese people also choose to celebrate his birthday by doing their shopping. It was very busy but the Christmas music really got me in the mood (not.) They played Winter Wonderland but they always choose the least christmassy orchestrations. This one sounded like country and western music played at 2x the speed.
Then I came home and rebelled by eating a matcha treat instead of revising.

I also decided to buy special things for a nice Christmas breakfast as I find this is essential for having a nice day. For that I bought some cereal and real milk which will certainly be special!

I also found some other English treats: (no doubt something else for the Germans to moan about, I wish they would shut up about how amazing they are and how rubbish other countries are.)

Then I thought I need something to munch on whilst trying to study so I went for black sesame seed crackers.

And of course, it wouldn't be Christmas without a toblerone. This one was imported from Thailand, I bet you all thought it was a European chocolate didn't you.

Whilst I was in the supermarket I did consider buying some illegal drugs:

But then I realised it was actually cheese...
Then I was quite shocked at the spaghetti. (I couldn't decide if it was supposed to be "Oh my, Spaghetti!" or "Oh! My spaghetti!")

Well, that is the end of this mostly food based post (I'm really settling into a food obsessed Japanese lifestyle.)
Looks like you will have a better feast than us.