Yes, I am aware that it is not yet Christmas, but I thought I would report on some cultural things I have noticed since I have been here. Lots of people back home asked me if they celebrate Christmas in Japan. Yes if you are a christian. It all sounds exactly the same as a western christmas, including tree, pillowcase full of presents and Santa Crause. The only difference is that Father Christmas climbs in through the window because they don't have a chimney for him to come down or get stuck up. I have no idea where the how the Easter Bunny gets into the house though... Apparently 1% of Japan is christian and the other 99% may celebrate Christmas a bit but more with friends and do something fun (hopefully Karaoke!)
Something else I am now involved in is this programme of going into schools to be stared at by the children. I did it for the first time last Friday. I was really scared but the school staff were so nice and the kids were really cute and friendly. They gave us presentations on things about Japan, including a demonstration of Sumo. They told us the average heights of British, German, Chinese and Japanese people. British men are apparently the tallest on average but German Women. I am 2cm under the average. Afterwards we played some traditional Japanese games with them which was fun and then I gave a presentation on England and English culture. In Japanese. It was ok...

There was also a Chinese guy and a German girl doing it on the same day. Afterwards the office staff at the school asked for our bank details, but due to Japan's love for bureaucracy my account still hasn't been processed yet, but I was also puzzled as to why they needed this. I had just done this as a volunteer and to meet some more Japanese people (not the kids, the students who organise everything for it.) It turned out they wanted to pay us 2000 Yen which is about £16 to say thank you. This was very nice because it was in addition to the presents and letters we received from the children- my letter was in English and I got an origami crane, an origami ball and some paper sushi. Cute.
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